Split Step
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Last updated
With Split step, you can go to different steps/flows depends on probability.Split step can be used to build many interesting functions, like
changing speeches rather than same responses all the time
testing your new functions with just a small group of clients to get feedback
or making a fun lottery!
In your Split step,
1.click "+ New Variation", add more than 2 variations
2.change variation title if needed
3.adjust weights as you want
directly put percentage numbers like 30 and 70 then you will get 30% and 70%
alternatively, put weights like 1 and 2 and let the system calculates the percentages 33% and 67% for you
4.select next steps for each variation
5.save the picked variation for later use if needed
Changing Speeches:Testing new Functions & Get Feedback:
Fun Lottery: